Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP collaborates with EQS to bring you our Whistleblowing solution – WhistleSafe. Whistlesafe will assit you in establishing and administering your company’s internal whistleblower scheme.
1. What is WhistleSafe?
WhistleSafe is a solution that is based on a high level of IT security and many years of experience in the legal processing of reports regarding, among other things, sexual harassment, other serious harassment, fraud and embezzlement, and which ensures confidentiality, protection of personal data and a thorough and effective screening and processing of alerts.

The first collaboration with EQS was established more than 15 years ago, during which time Got Ethics and latterly EQS have been among Europe’s leading providers of secure and anonymous whistleblower software enabling employees to internally report offences such as corruption, abuse of power and discrimination.
WhistleSafe is administered by lawyers at Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP, who specialize in employment and data protection law. Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP has experience in establishing and administering whistleblower schemes, including the legal handling of reports, such as aggravated harassment, sexual harassment fraud, embezzlement, bribery and other criminal offences in the workplace.
WhistleSafe is available to both existing clients, and to companies that usually receive legal assistance from other law firms. Both existing and new clients are guaranteed an independent screening and processing of reports.
2. WhistleSafe in outline
Under the new law on the protection of whistleblowers, all private companies with a minimum of 50 employees are required to establish an internal whistleblower scheme. For employers in the private sector with between 50-249 employees, the obligation to establish a whistleblower scheme will take effect on 17 December 2023.
WhistleSafe will form the company’s internal whistleblower scheme.
WhistleSafe consists of
A document package.
a secure and user-friendly reporting platform,.
Screening and processing of reports.
An annual statement for use in the Company’s internal and external documentation
The document package consists of the company’s whistleblower policy, the necessary texts for the company’s website or employee handbook, and a privacy policy that ensures that the company complies with its obligations under the Whistleblower Act and the underlying directive.
All documents and the reporting platform are available in Danish and English by default. Additional languages can be selected.
Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP is the company’s “single point of entry”, and we prepare both the document package, take care of the setup of the reporting platform and the screening and processing of reports. We receive both reports via the reporting platform, by telephone and by regular mail.
3. How does it work?
Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP prepares the company’s whistleblower documents and ensures the setup of the company’s reporting platform. The company can then link the reporting platform, from its website, intranet, or an electronic employee handbook.
Once the system is set up, the whistleblower can make a report via the report portal, by phone or by mail. The whistleblower is free to report anonymously or to make themselves known. It is possible for whistleblower to make themselves known to Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP, but to withhold their identity from company. Such a request from the employee must be respected.
We monitor the reports and make an initial assessment of whether the report is covered by the directive and the scope of the law. If this is the case, we will also make an initial legal assessment of the case. If the report leads to an investigation, our lawyers are also able to conduct the legal investigation.
4. Why WhistleSafe?
WhistleSafe has been created based on many years of experience in handling whistleblowing reports and several years of experience in secure and anonymous whistleblower software.
By choosing WhistleSafe, the company gives its employees and others with a personal connection to the company the opportunity, via an independent and anonymous solution, to report a suspicion of errors or illegalities in the company. WhistleSafe meets the requirements of the EU directive on the protection of whistleblowers, and thus the company ensures that it complies with the requirements of the directive and the law on the protection of whistleblowers.
EQS whistleblower software provides a secure and confidential reporting channel. With the ISO 27001 certification, EQS guarantees a reporting system that meets all international standards for information security systems. The software also meets national data protection standards in accordance with the requirements of the EU Whistleblower Directive.
Mette Klingsten Law Firm LLP is also part of ELLINT, and with partners in most of Europe, we can also handle reports that are not covered by Danish law. In addition, we have many natinal partners who assist with screening and handling reports that require treatment across specialties and subject areas.
Contact lawyer Mette Klingsten at e-mail mk@mklaw.dk or by telephone +45 31440100 or lawyer Mads Bernstorn at mb@mklaw.dk or telephone +45 31440102 for more information om WhistleSafe.
The price for the establishment of WhistleSafe is DKK 9,000, incl. first year administration fee. In addition, there is an annual license of DKK 5,900* for EQS Group. Case processing in connection with reports, is settled according to the time spent.
*Price depends on the number of employees in the company. The indicative price is DKK 5,900 which applies to companies with between 50 and 249 employees.