
Special law on temporary residence and the right to work for displaced Ukrainians

On 14 March 2022 an emergency draft bill on temporary residence permits for displaced persons from Ukraine was submitted to parliament. The bill was considered on 16 March 2022 and has entered into force today, Thursday 17 March 2022. The purpose of the Act on Temporary Residence Permits for Displaced Persons from Ukraine is to […]
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Christmas and New Years video

At Mette Klingsten Law Firm, we thank our partners, clients and friends for a great 2021. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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Specialist employment & labor law firm network ELLINT welcomes Portuguese law firm Paramount Legal

ELLINT, the international employment and labor law firms’ network is delighted to welcome Portuguese boutique employment law firm Paramount Legal ( as a new member. With its office located in the city center of Lisbon, the firm covers a vast range of employment and immigration matters and provides services to both companies and individuals, throughout the whole Portuguese territory including the islands of Madeira and Azores. This new […]
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New Tripartite agreement gives employers the right to request coronapas.

On the 12 November 2021, the Danish government entered into an agreement with the Trade Union’s Main Orgainsation (FH) and the Danish Employer’s Association (DA), which gives employers the right to request a valid corona pass from employees. The new tripartite agreement is intended to give employers the legal right to require employees to show […]
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Employers no longer have the right to require employees to test for COVID-19

The temporary legislation initiated by Danish parliament as part of the measures to combat COVD-19, giving employers the right to require employees to be tested and be informed of the result has been repealed. Repeal of legislation In November 2020, the Danish parliament passed legislation (Test Act) that gave employers the right to require employees […]
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The government and majority in the Danish parliament agree on earmarked parental leave

The European Union Directive of 2019 on work life balance was adopted on 29 June 2021, which amongst other things provides for 9 weeks of earmarked parental leave. The work  life balance Directive must be implemented in the individual member states no later than 2 August 2022. On 26 October 2021  the Government, together with […]
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Holiday settlement – time to take stock

We are fast approaching the end of the holiday taking period pursuant to the new Holiday Act (31 December), and employees will need to decide on how untaken holiday, relating to the fifth holiday week will be treated. Changes from the old Danish Holiday Act The rules for transfer / payment of unpaid holidays are […]
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The Danish Government’s law program for the parliamentary year 2021/2022

On 5 October 2021, the Danish Government will present the law program  for the parliamentary year 2021/2022. For the first time, the Government’s law program must be scrutinized against  the UN’s 17 sustainable world goals and 169 sub-goals. In the area of ​​employment, the law program includes, among other things, amendments to the Maternity Act, […]
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UK employees in Denmark- the clock is ticking.

As part of the withdrawal agreement, UK nationals and family members staying in Denmark for work before 31 December 2020 must have applied for a new EU residence status before 31 December 2021. This also applies to UK nationals with permanent residence in Denmark under EU rules. The 31 December 2021 is a hard stop […]
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Proposal for a new parental leave model  

Proposal for a new parental leave model The Danish Employers’ Association (DA) and the Trade Union Movement’s Main Organization (FH) have agreed on a new model for parental leave. The new model will mean, among other things, that 11 weeks of parental leave will be earmarked for each parent. The background to the agreement follows […]
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Testing requirements for visiting employees

Despite the general re-opening of society and removal of the majority of COVID-19 related restrictions, employers should still be aware of  the requirement of COVID-19 testing for employees visiting Denmark from aboard. Employers are still required to ensure that visiting employees are PCR tested and must also show that a written testing plan in place. […]
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Summary of EU Whistleblower Directive implementation across European countries and whistleblower protection in non-EU jurisdictions

The members of Ellint have conducted an overview of the implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive in a number of countries, namely: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain. In addition, Ellint has also looked at the current protections of whistleblowers in the UK, China and Switzerland. The overview […]
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Thanks to the following contributors to the website: Steen Evald (photograph), Stine Heilmann (photograph), Count Pictures (video), Kunde & Co. A/S (design), WeCode A/S (coding)