Professionel juridisk hjælp hele vejen

Vi ved, at den bedste rådgivning kommer af tæt samarbejde – derfor opbygger vi langvarige relationer.

Seneste nyheder

Anti-discrimination provisions in labour law

Discrimination in the workplace is a very broad and complex issue, both because it can be based on various factors (e.g. health, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, race, etc.), and because it can occur at all stages of the employment relationship, from the recruitment phase to possible termination.
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Protective regulations for pregnant women and mothers in labor law: Germany and France

Ensuring the safety and well-being of pregnant women and mothers is an important aspect of labor law in many countries. These protective regulations not only safeguard the health of mother and child, but also provide the necessary job security and financial support during this difficult period. However, the details of this protection can vary greatly depending on the legal framework and cultural context of each country.
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Non-compete clauses: A comparison between French and Danish legislation

A non-competition clause is an agreement between an employee and the employer prohibiting the employee from being employed or otherwise carry out competing business during a fixed period after the employment has come to an end. In this article which you can download, our experts from Denmark and France answer 5 key questions on to the application of the legislation in relation to non-compete clauses in their respective countries.
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Hvem er vi?


Ansættelseskontrakter og andre personalejuridiske dokumenter

Vi udarbejder og vedligeholder virksomhedens personalejuridiske dokumenter.
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Internationale ansættelser

Vi rådgiver om danske virksomheders internationale ansættelser.
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Individuelle og kollektive afskedigelser

Vi bistår med gennemførelse af individuelle opsigelser og kollektive afskedigelser.
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International rådgivning

Mette Klingsten Advokatpartnerselskab er medlem af ELLint, der er et netværk af specialiserede advokatfirmaer i Europa. Vi samarbejder med vores ELLint-kolleger for at rådgive klienter på tværs af landegrænser, tilbyde uddannelse og effektiv koordinering. I lande, hvor ELLint ikke er repræsenteret, samarbejder vi med lokale advokatfirmaer for at sikre fuld dækning af vores klienters internationale behov.


Tak til følgende bidragsydere til hjemmeside: Steen Evald (fotografi), Stine Heilmann(fotografi), Count Pictures (video), Kunde & Co. A/S (design), WeCode A/S (kodning)